Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Picking up the Gauntlet
Greetings fellow Green Birders! In case you don’t know me I live in northern Manitowoc County, in a mostly rural landscape with my birding partner and wife Patti. Our home is located 15 miles west of Lake Michigan, and 15 miles south of Green Bay, so we are a bit off the beaten path for many migrants. However, we have some good habitat, even if it is in small patches, and our bikes put us within striking distance of some pretty good sites. If you want a closer look at where I live, plug this into Google Earth or maps: 44°18'26.13"N 87°51'39.51"W. My most recent arrival here was fox sparrows a few days ago; I expect new birds tomorrow.
Welcome Joel!
I'm betting there will be a great list coming from Manitowoc County! I hope you and Patti enjoy it!!!
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